A journey of a thousand miles… starts with a single step

Fear.  We all have some of this.

There is but one constant in our lives.  Change.  Nothing is static – ever.  And if it is, it’s dead…. Relationships… Menus that keep cycling the same thing… Conversations at the bar… Conversations at home… Telling yourself you’ll try harder tomorrow… Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp (hear that???  Thats the heartrate monitor of life…. Dead)

There are a finite amount of breaths we take… In this lifetime anyways.  The other morning, on my drive to work… I stopped to take a moment… The beauty that surrounds us every day is awesome.  The trees had a layer of sparkly ice… The sky was a glowing cerulean… The clouds looked like they could be eaten.  I saw another car across the way stop do the same.  Take a picture… And take a moment  – to be present.  I felt such reverence for life at that moment… In the awesome display of nature – on the drive that I take every day.  Time slowed down just enough for the breath to taste cleaner… the air to rejuvenate more… the oxygen to remind my body that life is awesome.

beautiful nature

Shifts in perspective can take place at any time.  These shifts change the way in which you see… Creating fresh eyes, and warm souls.

After all, our quality of life is all a matter of perception.  We can flatline our time away… Using up those breaths… Or we can sink our teeth into the juicy goodness of really living.

We can keep going on in our lives the way we’ve been going.  Eating ‘kind of healthy’… Holding onto our past so tight, that it suffocates our present, thereby de-oxygenating our future.. Telling yourself it’s too hard… bargaining – ‘ill start Monday’ ‘I just have to do x y and z first’ ‘I can’t… I have to… I must’.  News flash:  your life is happening RIGHT NOW.  Making deals does nothing but keep you exactly where you are, and you already know what that looks and feels like.

You have a choice… Every moment of every day…. Choose to live.

Go.  Be great.  Your soul will thank you.

One thought on “A journey of a thousand miles… starts with a single step

  1. Beautiful Bridget! So happy you are sharing your talent for writing & continuing to share your inspiration! What you are saying here affirms many things for me right now. I’m taking the first steps in achieving a goal that I have made excuses to put off, the kids, the house, money, etc. I’ve silenced the excuses & I’m doing it. It just feels great to be moving in the right direction! So, a very encouraging blog! Thanks! xoxo

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